you Promise to be Lazy?

Combining Java's promises with Clojure's laziness yields some interesting behaviour


(doseq [x (range 1000000)])

Since range returns a lazy sequence and doseq does not retain the head of the sequence, there will only be one element of the sequence realized at every step of the doseq.

Now let's split the creation and consumption of the lazy sequence over chained promises. I am using the promesa library, which on the jvm is a thin wrapper over java.util.concurrent#CompletableFuture.

(-> (p/resolved (range 1000000))
    (p/then (fn [xs]
              (doseq [x xs]))))

It looks like it should be just as lazy. Nowhere is the code above retaining a reference to the head of the sequence - and yet it is!

The then promise internally has a reference to the preceding promise and that promise has a reference to its result - the head of the sequence. When the first promise returns, the sequence is unrealized, but as the subsequent then promise consumes the sequence it is realized and the head retained by the preceding promise!

What happens if there is a longer chain of promises? A promise executing in a chain only has reference to the preceding one. The preceding one has lost its reference to the next one upstream of itself, so in a chain just the current and immediately preceding one are not gc-able.

So? Well imagine you are streaming results out of a db for example - that might be modelled as a lazy seq, which is consumed through e.g. doseq and written out to a stream. Sounds like a nice memory-friendly solution, but if the db request results in a promise it might seem natural to keep chaining that result on.

Further thoughts

Does this apply to

I haven't investigated.

Related to this topic is Stuart Sierra's Lazy Effects post, in which he says never mix laziness and side-effects. Good advice I would say.

Discuss this post here.

Published: 2022-02-03

Tagged: clojure
