Wrapper-free Firebase with Clojurescript's Re-Frame

I recently made my first crud-style hobby app with Firebase and I wanted to write it in Clojurescript.... of course ;-)

Looking around the internet for pointers, I found some Clojurescript-Firebase wrapper libraries I am not too keen on, and no great demo apps either... so I created my own demo 'todo-list' app

The README there contains a small list of instructions that should get you up and running quickly and deploying the app to the internet in no time. Then you can spend many happy hours building from there.

Firebase Wrappers?

Googling for 'Clojurescript Firebase' I found a couple of 'wrapper libraries', re-frame-firebase and cljs-firebase-client.

I've written before about wrappers - tl;dr approach with caution.

There are obvious issues with the wrappers mentioned above:

The cljs-firebase-client lib is billed as a library, but it looks very unfinished. It might have some snippets you could borrow, especially if you want to use Shadow.

The re-frame-firebase lib has an api to cover pretty much all of Firebase I think, so there's a lot of code. It also has some dependencies I'm not sure I want:

and of most concern is way state from Firebase (auth-state, database contents) is stored in the Re-frame 'app-db'. The authors note this is a potential bug and indeed it is. It's also not necessary, as I'll demonstrate below.

Wrapper-free Firebase

The Firebase docs are great and got me a non-cljs 'hello, world' very easily. Could I bring in Clojurescript without introducing much new complexity? Well, I've attempted that in the todo app - see what you think.

One thing you'll notice with Firebase is that you pick and choose the APIs you want to include. For example if you want to use a database, you get a choice of two different ones. This is nice and in my todo-list app, I use just 'auth' and 'realtime database', so that's all you'll see any code for.

Auth with Re-Frame

The todo app requires users to authenticate with a Google login.

Firebase has a simple api to trigger this. The interesting bit from a Clojurescript point of view is listening for the user information once they have successfully authenticated:

(defn user-info []
  (let [auth-state (r/atom nil) ]
    (.onAuthStateChanged (auth)
      (fn [user]
           (reset! auth-state (user->data user))))

This function that returns a Reagent atom that will contain user information when it is available. We can call this function any time and use the result in a reactive context, such as in a Reagent component - It doesn't matter if the user has already authenticated or not at the time the function is invoked.

There's no need to store the user data in the app-db. Doing so would leave us with more state to manage, clean up and so on. There's no Re-frame involvement required, but we could tie this function into a re-frame subscription as I'll demonstrate next.

'Realtime database' with Re-Frame

Pushing data to the database is pretty straightforward and well documented and you can imagine how those calls might be wrapped up as Re-Frame 'effects', as they have been in the 'todo' demo app.

Listening for data with Re-frame is a bit more interesting though. Similar to the atom that contained the auth data above, we can have a function to return a Reaction (same thing as reactive atom effectively) containing the current value at some path in the Firebase database:

(defn on-value [{:keys [path]}]
  (let [ref ^js (db/fb-ref path)
        val (r/atom nil)
        callback (fn [x] (reset! val (->clj x)))]
    (.on ref "value" callback)
      (fn [] @val)
      :on-dispose #(do (.off ref "value" callback)))))

The 'Reaction' object returned from this function will be updated with the current value whenever it changes - nice! Now, if we want to use that as part of a Re-frame subscription, we can call it from a Signal function

(rf/reg-sub ::foo 
  (fn this-is-the-signal-function [[_ args]]
    {:bar (on-value args)})
  (fn this-is-compute-function [{:keys [bar]}]
     ;... do some further transform with 'bar' value from db

If you haven't used signal functions before, it's well worth a read of the hefty docstring to understand them. The todo-list app demonstrates this in action.

So... we can read and write data, and the Re-frame 'app-db' is nowhere in sight. I haven't got anything against the app-db - but I don't want to stuff in there unnecessarily - because for any data in there, you have to understand what effects put it there, how it's lifecycle is managed and so on. I might write more about this in a later post.

Firebase stores the data in the cloud and keeps a local copy of that sync'ed in the browser's store in case the connection drops. Re-frame handles doing minimal computation work, de-duping subscriptions etc. So... let's just lean on all that awesome machinery!

What about data the user is editing? In the todo app, that is component-local state only when the user is actually changing it, and is sent off to Firebase via re-frame/dispatch at the appropriate time.

In fact, in this little example you might see Re-Frame as overkill and just stick with Reagent.

One last point about the Firebase database - it's json data of course, so it's not going to work to create Clojure maps with the usual edn goodies like non-string keys, namespaced keywords & etc. A nice approach to stay in JS/JSON land is to use cljs-bean for your data, rather than native Clojure datastructures.

Compile and Deploy

The todo-list README demonstrates doing a build with advanced compilation.

The build includes the :infer-externs option, which uses the ^js tag metadata to let the compiler know to leave the calls to the Firebase APIs as they are.

Keep these compiler debug opts handy if you do get any problems with the minified build (ie you see error messages in the browser console like 'x.y is not a function'):

(def debug-opts
  {:pseudo-names true
   :pretty-print true
   :source-map true


Firebase seems pretty nice for a hobby project - and maybe for more serious apps too. Using it with Clojurescript and Re-Frame is straightforward and a natural fit. For example, Firebase onValue lets you listen for the latest value in some part of the database and that is easily hooked into a Re-frame subscription so the view magically updates whenever the database does. Simples!

Some points of note:

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Published: 2021-02-19

Tagged: clojure
